Here are some of the highlights:
FMF presents Free Money Finance: The Biggest Raise You'll Ever Get posted at Free Money Finance, saying, "You'll get a big "raise" when your kids go off on their own."
MoneyNing presents My Parents Taught Me About Personal Finance posted at Money Ning, saying, "My parents taught me everything about personal finance!"
Jeremy Zongker presents 76 Ways to Save Money While Saving the Environment posted at Destroy Debt.
hank presents How Is What We Are Going Through Now Different From The Great Depression in the 1930’s? posted at My Investing Blog.
Here are the rest, in no particular order.
Khan presents College in 2020: Have You Started Saving? posted at Higher Education and Career Blog, saying, "It can be hard to fathom your little child will one day grow up and need to pay for college."
Steve C presents Mistakes Parents Make With Kids And Money - Part 1 posted at
Jim presents Teaching Kids About Money: Tessy & Tab Money Manager Kit posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
Joe Manausa presents How To Stay Calm In The Real Estate Market posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "The entire financial world appears to be a scary place right now. Many people are starting to “smell opportunity” and yet are a bit too fearful to act on their instincts. The goal of this article is to get you to consider doing some homework and creating a decision matrix so that you can start to take advantage of the opportunities when you are ready."
NtJS presents We Bought You A Piggy Bank For A Reason! posted at not the jet set, saying, "Few things draw snarls, glares or eye-rolls from parents like a child asking them for money. Sometimes rightfully so after witnessing a barrage of, 'Can I have a quarter? Can I have a dollar? Can I have this? Can I have that? Mommy, where's your purse?'"
Dave presents Cheapo Music - Free and Downloadable posted at Cheapo Groovo.
Dollar Frugal presents Groundhog Day Goals - November!.
Mr Credit Card presents Saving for Your Child's Education with UPromise.
Polly Poorhouse presents 10 Cheap Things to Do With Kids posted at Economic Crunch, saying, "There's plenty of stuff to do with kids that doesn't require going into debt. No need to feel guilty..."
Joe Manausa presents Discover The Secret To Making A Perfect Home Buying Offer posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "There are so many infomercials and advertisements claiming that you can buy a home for mere pennies on the dollar that many potential home buyers are confused about what they should do.
The goal of this short article is to help you develop a mindset that will allow you to buy the home of your dreams without paying too much for the home."
Tony Huynh presents Money: What Steps I Have Taken to Save It posted at, saying, "This article is about patching up the leaks and keeping all that money you make."
Jeff Rose presents Our Son Just Turned One, Starting College Tomorrow posted at Jeff Rose, saying, "With our son just turning one, we had some decisions on what to do to start saving for college."
One Family presents Frugal Living – Skiing Story posted at One Family's Blog, saying, "How can average American families with kids ski on a budget?"
Heather Johnson presents 100 Awesome Ivy League Video Lectures posted at Online
Dave presents Free Education posted at Cheapo Groovo.
Jeremy Zongker presents Save Money By Reducing Household Expenses and Good Saving Habits Start Early posted at Money Blog.
KCLau presents Buy term and invest the difference posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "In this post, I will share my view about the reality and practical part of making use of this well-known strategy of buying term and investing the difference."
Michael Bass presents Should you cosign for a friend or family member? posted at Debt Prison, saying, "The following two examples are from Debt Prison readers who were faced with issues regarding co-signers. The first cosigned for a boy friend… to later have him default and dragged into court. The other is from a young man who is defaulting on a debt in which a friend’s father graciously posed as the co-signer."
Steve C presents More Mistakes Parents Make With Kids And Money - Part 2 | posted at
Jim presents Holiday Photo Deals posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
MoneyNing presents Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) posted at Money Ning, saying, "FSA are one of the few ways of helping us save money on child care that can get very expensive! Remember to take advantage of it for the year of 2009!"
Don presents When Mom and Dad are away, College Students play posted at D.P. Lawson, saying, "We'd all like to think our kids are hard at work when they go off to College. However, some stats don't lie. Here's what you little Miss or Mister Perfect may be doing while away at College on Mom and Dad's dime."
Lane Wright presents Personal Loans via Social Lending posted at Fast Signature Loan.
Raymond presents Funding A New Bank Account With A Reward Credit Card For Arbitrage posted at Money Blue Book.
Finance Tips 101 presents Have You Considered Debt Consolidation? posted at Finance Tips 101.
The Smarter Wallet presents Create Your Family Holiday Traditions and Save Money! posted at The Smarter Wallet.
Annette Berlin presents Crafty Dollar Store Gifts For Kids posted at Craft Stew, saying, "With the economy on a downhill slide, and the holiday season coming up, everyone is on the lookout for inexpensive gifts this year. If you’d love to give something crafty to the kids in your life, your in luck. Your local dollar store may have just what you’re looking for."
mom & dad presents Cheap LEGO: Where and How to Buy It posted at
Steve C presents 5 Misconceptions Your Child Probably Has About Your Finances | posted at
KCLau presents If either one of the joint-account holder dies, who gets the money? posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "Let’s say you have a joint account with your spouse in a local bank. Due to an unforeseen accident, your spouse passed away (touch wood). Are you entitled to withdraw all the money in the account, say RM100k? The answer is not simply a “yes” or “no”. It actually depends on the bank’s rules and regulations. What I learn is that there are three possibilities."
Cory Albertson presents Erase Debt and Live With Less Stress posted at Debt Relief, saying, "It's sad but true; people with more debt have more stress in their lives and people with more stress in their lives have shorter life spans. Erase debt to elongate your life!"
Heather Johnson presents 100 Free College Rankings (Traditional, Unorthodox and Just Plain Crazy) posted at LearningXL.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Kids and Money using our carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: kids and money, blog carnival.
Money isn't everything. It's the only thing. Wait. That's only for football.
Enjoy life. Spend time with your family.