From Yahoo! Personal Finance comes this article about how people waste money. Here's the short list:
With today's gas prices the way they are, you might as well pour your cash down the toilet if you're "shopping" for the best deals by going from store to store.
Competition and capitalism being what they are, the prices of most goods, especially commodity goods, are pretty much the same all around. So don't shop. Buy when you need it.
- Buying gas at the least expensive gas station.
- Going to different stores to get sale items.
- Buying the cheapest instead of the best value.
- Purchasing items on sale.
- Buying in bulk.
With today's gas prices the way they are, you might as well pour your cash down the toilet if you're "shopping" for the best deals by going from store to store.
Competition and capitalism being what they are, the prices of most goods, especially commodity goods, are pretty much the same all around. So don't shop. Buy when you need it.
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