Ben Dinsmore presents Trees Full of Money: 7 Ways to Increase Your Cash Flow posted at Trees Full of Money, saying, "The following is a list of actions that will have an immediate positive impact on your financial situation and free up cash."
I like free cash! Especially now that I have children. Purging stuff I no longer need has given me some cash that I hadn't planned on having. And you know what? It disappears the instant it hits the bank account!
Silicon Valley Blogger presents Are You Ready To Be A Parent? Know The Cost Of Having Kids posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "So sorry if I've submitted this already. I wasn't sure if it got published! Thank you for the chance to join your carnival!"
Yes, I did publish it, but I'll publish it again because it's worth reiterating.
Tom Tessin presents How to Save Money as a College Student posted at FCC Student Blog, saying, "A few tips on how you can save money as a college student."
There really ought to be a class (perhaps part of Orientation?) about living the frugal lifestyle while attending college, especially in light of the fact that you're using somebody else's money (your parents); it seems to be the considerate thing to do...
Joe Manausa presents Tallahassee Real Estate - Market Graphs UpdatedTallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "A compilation of real estate market graphs that shows different segments of the real estate market and how it is performing."
This real estate thing is starting to really bug me. Why don't banks, the Fed, the US Treasury, Freddie and Fannie all collude -- YES, COLLUDE -- to get this important market back on its feet?
KCLau presents The Money Book: A CAP Guide to Managing Your Money posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "Published by Consumers Association of Penang (CAP), a run down on how to manage your money and a list of what the money book discusses."
David Cassell presents Free College Textbooks posted at
Free? Cool.
Larry Russell presents Financial Planning Reading List posted at Pasadena Financial Planner.
imarketing4s presents A Variety of Business Loans For You |
Concerning Kids presents 10 Back to School Safety Tips For Brown Bag Lunches posted at Concerning Kids.
Livingalmostlarge presents Paying for Tot’s Photo posted at LivingAlmostLarge, saying, "Paying celebrities for their kid's photos is it a good idea? And should some of the money go to into a savings for the kids themselves?"
Do they need savings? How about donate the money to a children's charity so that the public who has to read about this on a daily basis gets something back?
Raymond presents How To Generate Valid Credit Card Numbers posted at Money Blue Book.
This is a great post on how credit cards numbers are created. Good thing to show your older child just for the thought process alone.
Raymond presents How Credit Scores Work And How Scores Are Calculated.
Card Blogger presents The Best Credit Cards posted at Credit Card Blog.
Silicon Valley Blogger presents What Do Potty Training Mishaps Got To Do With Money? posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "Thank you!"
Joe Manausa presents HR 3221 - Good For Tallahassee posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "For Fannie and Freddie, it seems they got much of what they asked for, and a few things they did not when the President signed HR 3221. It authorized $300B (B as in Billion) to expand the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan guarantee programs."
KCLau presents 48 Fuel Saving Tips posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "Article on how to save fuel"
We can all save some dough on fuel costs.
Mark Montgomery presents Princeton Review's Best 368 Colleges--A User's Guide posted at Great College Advice, saying, "Every guidebook needs a guide to help you make sense of the recommendations presented within. The Princeton Review recommends 368 colleges. But are any of those right for your kid?"
Sagar Satapathy presents 50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom posted at Smart Teaching.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
Kids and Money using our carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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