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Kids and Money -- September 4, 2008

Posted by billspaced | 5:59 AM | | 2 comments »

Welcome to the September 4, 2008 edition of Kids and Money. There are some really fabulous posts here. Sit back and enjoy. Better yet, learn.

Ben Dinsmore presents 36 Ways to Reduce Your Home's Energy Use posted at Trees Full of Money, saying, "With energy prices on the rise, and the sustainability of our environment in question, I thought that it would be beneficial energy saving tips that you can involve you family in th improve you homes energy use."

Joe Manausa presents How To Dispute Your Property TaxesTallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "As long as the assessed value does not exceed the market value they will raise the assessed value, so it is important to know what your property is worth today!"

Del Sandeen presents 4 Secrets to Raising Money Smart Kids That Every Parent Should Know | Fiscal Liberty posted at Fiscal Liberty.

Ace Elliott presents Avoiding Mortgage Foreclosure posted at Care on Credit, saying, "As the home mortgage market sways find out what you can do to anchor yourself and weather the foreclosure storm."

Katy Bold presents What should kids learn about money? posted at Money To Live, saying, "Part of teaching and encouraging financial literacy is focusing on basic math skills. To be comfortable with money, one needs to be confident with adding and subtracting. This essay suggests games for children that promote math skills and confidence."

KCLau presents What Do You Know About Bankruptcy? posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "an article on how one becomes bankrupt and how to be discharged from bankruptcy"

Todd presents Your Kids (probably) Aren’t Above Average posted at HarvestingDollars, saying, "I hope you like the post, and thanks for the comment about your carnival on my site! -Todd."

Concerning Kids presents Tips and Ideas To Help Child Proof Your Home posted at Concerning Kids.

imarketing4s presents Wise Debt Consolidation and Budgeting posted at Free Debt Consolidation: Qualified Financial Management.

Jim presents Babies Are Expensive! Total Cost of Having A Baby posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.

Connie Prater presents Is the next generation already wrapped in plastic? - posted at, saying, "As children return to school, they and parents may be interested in how our children are becoming tech savvy and whether it is a good or bad thing for them moneywise..."

Livingalmostlarge presents GWP PF Bloggers: Rich People Gone Broke posted at LivingAlmostLarge, saying, "Do we learn about money from our parents?"

Kim Greenblatt presents Kim Greenblatt Asks If You Teach Your Children About Money While They Are Young posted at profitable, saying, "It always pays to teach your kids how to manage money and they are never too young to learn."

Alfa Mercado presents To Spank or Not to Spank posted at Unforgettable Blog.

Silicon Valley Blogger presents 3 Great Money Lessons from My Old Man posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "We were all kids once. Here is an article by someone who reflects on the financial lessons he's learned from his father."

The Smarter Wallet presents 8 Summer Fun Activities That Won't Break The Bank posted at The Smarter Wallet, saying, "Enjoy the summer with your kids without breaking the bank!"

Madison presents 10 College Money Myths posted at My Dollar Plan.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Kids and Money using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Money isn't everything. Enjoy life. Spend time with your family.

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  1. Anonymous // 9/05/2008 8:04 AM  

    Great post. Thanks for including my item about kids and lunch payment cards.

  2. billspaced // 9/05/2008 8:18 AM  


    It is a plastic society. It's more convenient, and safer too, but it sure lessons the effect of emptying your pockets and/or wallet of cash when you really want something. It's almost like the money isn't real anymore.

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