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Kids and Money -- October 8, 2008

Posted by billspaced | 4:56 AM | | 1 comments »

Welcome to the October 8, 2008 edition of Kids and Money. The submissions just keep rising in quality. You surely are the creme of the Kids and Money crop.

Stay tuned for a "Best Of Kids and Money" before the year ends. If you want to remind me how awesome one of your posts was this past year, email me at billspaced at money-hacks dot com or leave a comment!

Shan presents What Your Four-Year-Old Should Know About Money posted at The Apostle of the Turtle.
Interesting perspective and rationale on how to tailor money lessons to 3 and 4 year olds.

Jim presents Five Personal Finance Teaching Gifts for Kids posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity. 
Great gift ideas, by age bracket!

Livingalmostlarge presents The $100k Baby posted at LivingAlmostLarge, saying, "Should we pay for children?"
Only if you buy them. If they just "show up" they ought to pay!

Ben Dinsmore presents Guide to Your Employer's Benefits Package Part 1: Health Insurance posted at Trees Full of Money, saying, "Choosing the right health insurance plan during your company's "open enrollment" period can be a stressful proposition, especially if you are already stretched for time between work and family obligations." 
True. Open enrollment is always stressful for me, too. This year it's especially stressful due to the fact that my company no longer exists (for all intents) and our open enrollment period, while open and you have to make a choice, is for naught, since we'll all be fired soon.

NtJS presents College Kids and Credit Cards posted at not the jet set, saying, "Here's one for the big kids!" 
Practical advice about kids and credit cards. I fell for it and it took me a long time to recover. In some ways, I think I still am!

Raymond presents Where Are The 12 Month 0% No Balance Transfer Fee Credit Card Offers? posted at Money Blue Book. 
All the money is gone! It all disappeared with my home value.

Raymond presents Where Is The Safest Place To Save Or Invest Your Money? posted at Money Blue Book. 
Timely post!

Silicon Valley Blogger presents Toys R Us Coupons and Age Discrimination posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "There are coupons out there that aren't very clear about eligibility requirements. Who exactly is a "grandparent"?"
Those 3 words cause me constant grief: Toys R Us! But to answer the question, I think any one can consider themselves a "grand parent" if they're a parent. They don't need grand children, nor do they need be buying for their family!

Weight Ladder / Rich Leverage presents Getting Motivated to Organize Your Finances posted at Rich Leverage, saying, "Teens and up." 
Organization of personal finances is something I struggle with every day! I hope that my kids can learn some ways to organize their finances that have eluded me. I certainly will not be their role model for this topic!

Lazy Man and Health presents Working Two Jobs at the Same Time posted at Lazy Man and Money, saying, "Post would be best for teens/adults." 
I think Lazy Man is onto something! The future may have in store for us less full-time work but more opportunities -- your child may indeed have to become very adept at "multi-tasking." 

Michelle McFarland-McDaniels presents Autism Assistance Resources and Information: Upromise is a Promising Resource for College Savings posted at Autism Assistance Resources and Information. 

Save Money presents Customer Service Issues At CVS posted at How I Save

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Kids and Money using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Money isn't everything. It's the only thing. Wait. That's only for football.
Enjoy life. Spend time with your family.

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  1. Anonymous // 10/09/2008 12:32 PM  


    liked your blog

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