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Kids and Money -- December 30, 2008

Posted by billspaced | 10:16 AM | | 0 comments »

Welcome to the December 30, 2008 edition of Kids and Money.

This is our last K&M for 2008. This experiment has been a satisfying one, and trying at times too. What with all the issues with Blog Carnival (being down many of the times we tried to use it), being sick with colds, flu, and other infections for most of the last quarter of the year, and the economy being what it is, this has been a challenging -- yet very fruitful nonetheless -- year.

I genuinely thank each and every one of you for your thoughtful, kind, inspirational, and informative posts! I hope you've benefited, too, from the exposure to other points of view as well as getting some "link love" from the backlilnks I've provided through this collection of awesome posts.

I've enjoyed every minute of Kids and Money and I've learned a lot. No doubt, I've learned and received more from this than you have, but I hope you've found the experiment worthwhile.

For now, I've decided to continue with this. Please help us all out by spreading the word about the Kids and Money carnival -- the more attention we get, the better.


And here's to a PROSPEROUS 2009! Be safe, be happy, do what you love (at least once in a while!), and spend time with your loved ones.

Without further delay, here are the posts.

Relax presents Let’s talk about money posted at The Wise Curve, saying, "The good news is that being rich is not really difficult because it is just a state of mind."

Tristan presents Teaching children about money posted at Find Financial Freedom, saying, "An insight into the virtues of teaching children about money from an early age."

MoneyNing presents Let Your Children Handle Their Own Finances posted at Money Ning, saying, "Give your children a chance to make mistakes!"

Credit Shout presents How to Deal With Student Loan Debt in Today's Economy posted at CreditShout.

Joe Manausa presents Real Estate Supply And Demand | Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "It really isn’t that hard to tell where the real estate market is heading. All we need to do is take a quick re-examination of Economics 101 and realize that Supply and Demand actually do matter in the real estate market."

Jesse Wojdylo presents What are YOU Willing to Go In Debt For? posted at Subprime Blogger.

Credit Card Assist presents What College Kids Might Not Know About Credit Cards posted at Credit Card Assist.

Dave presents Cheapo XMAS Gifts posted at Cheapo Groovo.

Sandy Naidu presents Bernard Madoff's Ponzi Scheme posted at FutureNestEgg.

Steve C presents Kids And Money: Teaching Ways To Deal With Peer and Societal Pressures | posted at

KCLau presents Christmas On A Budget posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "This post is contributed by Jacquelyn Sarah Wong, the co-author of The Secrets to Writing an Ebook in Three Easy Steps. It is about how to be frugal this christmas season with the economy down."

Fiona Lohrenz presents Why You Should Start A Day Care In A Recession.

Dollar Frugal presents Don’t Let the Workers Threaten You posted at Dollar Frugal.

Jeff Rose presents Teaching Kids About Money, saying, "When's the right time to start teaching your kids about money? Here's a few tips."

Destroy Debt presents Make Your Own Debt Reduction Plan posted at Destroy Debt.

Savings Toolbox presents Set Your Children Up With Savings Accounts posted at Savings Toolbox.

Mr Credit Card presents Should You Give Children Cash For Christmas?.

Piotr Stepien presents Money Free World, saying, "It is nice to have money, but it is better not to have it at all. Suprised? Read the whole story."

JCL presents How To Teach Your Kids About Money While They Are Young, saying, "Some ideas for teaching your kids to have an entrepreneurial spirit while they are young."

Pinyo Bhulipongsanon presents Teach Your Children The Four Pillars of Money Management.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Kids and Money using ourcarnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Money isn't everything. It's the only thing. Wait. That's only for football.
Enjoy life. Spend time with your family.

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